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What I do




Articles need to be written for their audience, not the other way around.  I know how to put my personal opinions aside and write what the readers want to read.

Proper grammar is the first step to creating quality content.  I have always prided myself on my knowledge of the English language.

Keep your readers engaged with more than just words.  I know that images have just as much importance on the web as words--they're worth a thousand of them, after all.




Nothing can be done effectively without proper planning.  I keep myself to a tight schedule when I'm working to make sure all of my deadlines are met.

It's not only the questions, but how you say them that matters.  I've conducted a number of interviews pursuant to my writing projects, and I'm not afraid to talk.

Articles with incorrect facts are worthless.  From term papers to debate cases, I've spent years honing my ability to separate fact from fiction and to find the right sources from the start.

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